7 Babies in a Year

February 2020 marked the beginning of seven babies in a year at Everlasting River Fellowship. Our church body was blessed with seven new lives in one year. God said he’s releasing NEW LIFE in abundance in the midst of chaos and darkness.

God is speaking about generations. There were three ladies from the first generation who were asking for something very specific about their pregnancy and delivery. All three ladies had baby girls. He granted each of them the desires of their heart in regards to their pregnancy and delivery. Our God is a God who gives us the DESIRES OF OUR HEARTS .

In the second generation all four ladies had baby boys. God is speaking that a WARRIOR GENERATION is arising. Two of the four baby boys are carriers of the fourth generation surname. God says the generations with be raised up to follow him. There will be no lost generation. Joel 1:3 declares ,” Tell your children about it, Let your children tell their children, And their children another generation.”
Daniel 4:3 proclaims, “ How great are his signs, And how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation. “

God says that he is maturing us quickly with accelerated growth. He demonstrated this as the babies were born closer and closer together as the year ended. God is proud of Everlasting River Fellowship for staying obedient, standing in faith, keeping our doors open,and keeping hope alive in our community and region. He knows 2020 has been hard in so many ways but he is reminding us and showing us; Look at the wonderful things I’ve done for you!

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